Rates and services

Line Editing -- $2.50 per page
I'll search your manuscript line by line to find pesky cliches, duplicate words, spelling and grammatical errors, passive voice, and glaring plot holes. You'll receive a report back on overall tone and structure of your manuscript and I'll make suggestions while still helping you keep your voice throughout your story or nonfiction work. 

Copy editing -- $2.00 per page

A technical nitpick of your manuscript. Copy editing is similar to line editing but you will receive no feedback on the story itself. 

Proofreading -- $1.00 per page

The last step before sending it to the press, it's great to have a fresh set of eyes.

Note: One page equals 250 words.

Book proposal consultation $50.00
Book proposals can be wily beasts. Let me work with you to make it stronger. 

Query letter consultation $25.00

Ready to shake your bad thing? Before you send off your query, I'll go over the structure and grammar, plus give advice on how to find the best agent for you and how to grab their attention. 
Please note that due to possible conflict of interest, I will not consider submissions at Red Sofa Literary that I've worked on as a freelance editor.