About the editor

Twenty years ago, I was hip-deep in Scottish mud on an archaeological dig. A few years later, I started sitting in drafty attics to poke the paranormal as an investigator. Today, I write about ghosts, zombies, and help writers move to the next level. I'd love to make some deep connection about the circle of life, but I'm pretty sure Disney would send its thugs by the time I finished the first stanza. Nobody wants to see that.

I'm approaching my one-year anniversary as an apprentice agent with Red Sofa Literary and currently represent eleven clients. I enjoy being a hands-on editor with their books and as your freelance editor, I'll give your project the same time and attention my clients receive. I am also happy to partner with Boundary Stone Films to be on the lookout for great new projects. 

Degrees in history and archaeology/anthropology from Oregon State University
Traditionally-published author of four books and multiple short stories
Founder and editor-in-chief of An Army of Ermas
Former editor at Rainstorm Press
Former editor at Berryville Main Street


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